
Shadow Place: Paranormal Predator Protection for Extraordinary Times
Shooting Star shows us how negative entities can create difficulties at home and in the community. Paranormal investigators who have concerns should benefit from the practical advice given on how to build awareness of various paranormal phenomena.

Lucifer’s Shadow
A renown Native American warrior chief tries to prevent a curse from becoming a reality on Turtle Island.
Before the large-scale expansion of the eastern colonies and the various movements of American settlers throughout the north-east and the mid-west, Tecumseh leads a hunting expedition into the wilderness.
While doing so, he discovers the Bad Lands.
After experiencing the negative vibes within the Bad Lands, Tecumseh learns from the spirit world that the Buffalo Way will no longer be sustainable in the future.
An ancient and malignant form of Serpent Power has begun to spread throughout the land.
This form of negative energy will never be recognized by the white eyes as an evil force.
After Tecumseh is recognized as being a worthy opponent of Serpent Power, he is duly challenged by the Great Snake.
By the end of part one, arrangements have been made to pass the torch to another worthy opponent, two hundred years later.

Back of the Devil’s Mind: A True Account of Paranormal Terror
The dark forces gathered and waited for me alone. They allowed our home to absorb their evilness, until the fabric between our world and theirs was non-existent. What happened to me was personal and not just a result of where I was living. That is why they followed me from one home to another.
Back of the Devil’s Mind is a hard hitting, first hand account of how one family dealt with a wide variety of negative entities from the dark side. Their battles with evil resulted in two homes turning into spirit war zones.
No matter how open your mind is, it may be difficult for you to believe that a single family could have experienced so many paranormal challenges.
Even so, the author himself has suggested that if he caste some doubt in your mind about the existence of these evil beings, with a mission to unhinge your sanity; then he claims that his effort to enlighten you about their existence will have been most worthwhile.

Shadow Path: How to Strengthen Your Personal Protection and Clear Negative Energy
Anyone who requires an eclectic protective advantage in harmony with universal law, in order to counter increased paranormal negativity will appreciate the clarity that Shooting Star uses to explain his techniques. Whether you have encountered a negative energy force which is difficult to eliminate; or whether you are looking for a sustainable defensive approach to discourage or resist paranormal intruders, Shooting Stars methods and techniques can be used on their own; or they can be used in conjunction with a diversity of other related practices.

Shadow Moon: The Wisdom of the Light Fortress and its Opponents
At all times, we should be focused on being concerned with overcoming negative energy as part of the spiritual path; since that is what is behind the Light. In order to help assist the reader to remove negative energy from their environment, it is necessary to understand how “spiritual connections” work through the Wisdom of the Light Fortress which ultimately conceptualizes the truth discovered along one’s spiritual path.
This book is also concerned with the opponents of the Light Fortress; and behind the opponents of the Light Fortress, there is a primeval power which Dr. M. Scott Peck witnessed and wrote about in his final book “Glimpses of the Devil” (2005). Dr. Peck’s first two books were The Road Less Traveled (1978) and People of the Lie: A Hope for Healing Human Evil (1983). In addition to his practice as a psychiatrist and being a popular author, he spent a great deal of his personal career working on his theories of evil. In fact, by the time his last book was published, he was very close to achieving his life long ambition which was to understand the true nature of evil.

Shadow People: A Journal of the Paranormal
Those who write about the night side of nature, sometimes become targets of the dark forces themselves. On a positive note, the authors experiences with spirit harassment have provided him with the necessary opportunities to transform the light into something stronger.
the truth about shadow beings,
how to keep your home free from hostile shadow entities;
and the notion of what constitutes stigmatized real estate.
Those who seek spiritual enlightenment must also be prepared for resistance. If you are looking for positive changes in your life, but you are becoming increasing sensitive to invading entities, you will need to bring balance to your situation.
? an effective quick fix remedies plan; plus,
? learn how to build and maintain your own light fortress in order to defend yourself from intrusive, hostile energies.
Your best plan is protection. Protecting yourself and your family, from hostile entities will alleviate negativity in your living environment and reduce your stress levels significantly.

Shadow Stone: What does North America’s largest stone circle and collection of rock carvings near Peterborough, Ontario tell us about our prehistory and our dysfunctional Utopian impulse?
The Circle and The Path are there for all to behold but for now only a few of us with better than average research abilities and a sound but open mind can truly enjoy and admire with awe the most wonderful necklaces of stones assembled in our midst showing the pathways to sacred sites that still exist.